Neck Stretches

Isometric neck extension

Sit tall, eyes straight ahead, and chin level. Clasp your hands together and place them behind your head. Press the back of your head into your palms. Hold 5 seconds and release. Do 3 sets of 5.


Isometric neck side bend

Sit tall, eyes straight ahead, and chin level. Place the palm of your hand at the side of your temple and press your temple into the palm of your hand. Hold 5 seconds and release. Do 3 sets of 5 on each side


Isometric Neck Flexion

Sit tall, eyes straight ahead, and chin level. Place your palm against your forehead and gently push your forehead into your palm. Hold for 5 seconds and release. Do 3 sets of 5.


Pec Stretch

Stand in an open doorway or corner with both hands slightly above your head on the door frame or wall. Slowly lean forward.


While sitting or standing with your arms by your sides, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 15.



Chin Tuck

Place your fingertips on your chin and gently push your head straight back as if you are trying to make a double chin. Keep looking forward as your head moves back. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.